Martialis heureka (Barrett Klein 2008/2012)
color pencil + digital (Rabeling et al. 2008, Wilson 2013)

Siberian tiger display (photo: Denis Finnin 1997)
burlap, plaster landscaping for AMNH Endangered! exhibit, with Vito Cannella

Oiceoptoma sp. 12x model on leaf litter (Barrett Klein ~1996)
urethane, hotmelt glue, wire, paint (Chase Studio Inc)

Produced by Insects (Barrett Klein & Sienna Miller 2017)
beeswax, wasp paper coated with shellac, silk tunic & wings - sewn by Miller & colored with cochineal

Hive Helmet (Barrett Klein 2021)
beeswax, honeycomb, honey bee coins from 4 countries, recycled bicycle helmet

Hive Helmet (Barrett Klein 2021)
beeswax, honeycomb, honey bee coins from 4 countries, recycled bicycle helmet

Beekeeper Bee-kept (Barrett Klein 2023)
honeycomb (top half), papier mache (bottom half), recycled bicycle helmet

Beekeeper Bee-kept (Barrett Klein 2023)
honeycomb (top half), papier mache (bottom half), recycled bicycle helmet

Orchid Bee Enemies (Barrett Klein 2002)
color pencil; Andrenosoma sp. with Euglossa dissimula & Hoplomutilla xanthocerata (Roubik & Hanson 2004)

Homology of insect mouthparts (Karen Anne Klein & Barrett Klein (2018)
pencil, digital overlay (Leigh & Ziegler 2019)

Ischnura kellicotti (Barrett Klein & John Abbott 2011)
digital illustrations; page from Damselflies of Texas (Abbott 2011)

Atta texana nest (Barrett Klein 2007)
ink/digital illustration, with Ant Man (copyright Marvel) for scale

Mermithid-infected mayflies (Barrett Klein 1993)
ink; nematodes causing sex-role reversal (Vance 1996)